Reconditioning of Shafts
2nd life for wide range of shafts, applications and materials
Marine - Rudder stocks, gear shafts, pinion shafts, turbo charger
Industry - Pump shafts, press and mmill shafts, special materials
- Technology approved since 2007
- DNVGL certifed processes
- Internationally established at LaserCladding Singapore, Japan and China

Damaged areas
- Sealings, bearing seat, flanges, face sides

Alternator shaft
- Reconditioning of bearing and sealing seats
- Excellent Performance
- from scrap to perfomance part

Savings typically off 80-99% of CO2 related to production of new part

Rudder stocks
- Special DNVGL-certification
without thermal post treatment after LaserCladding

- Conical seats
- Bearing areas
- installed Cr-liner